The meaning of the LemonSwan matching points
The LemonSwan Matching Points show you how well you harmonize with a partner suggestion according to the LemonSwan© method. The basis of a high matching score between two LemonSwan members is a balanced mix of similarities and contrasts.
A score of 100 stands for a good, average result. From 115 points, your matching result is outstanding! And from 120 points at the latest, you should definitely make contact!
In addition to the matching points, it always depends on your personal priorities and search settings. And of course it can also work if your matching score is lower: in the end, it's always your heart that decides.
By the way: The matching points are based on the questionnaire that you filled out at the beginning of your registration. You can therefore also have a high number of matching points with members who have not yet fully completed their profile.
Where can I find the matching points?
In the overview of your partner suggestions, you will find the matching points to the right of or directly on the photo of the partner suggestion.